The Pan-African Pyramid

One Struggle, Many Fronts

The Pan-African Pyramid

One Struggle, Many Fronts

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‘Respect Our Cultures &Traditions, It’s Not Our Fault That You Have None’- PAP Speaker Andrew Irumba Hits Back At Joe Biden Over Uganda’s New Anti-Homosexuality Law

PAP Speaker Andrew Irumba Hits Back At Joe Biden Over Uganda's New Anti- Homosexuality Law

By PAP Admin Yesterday 29th May 2023 was a historical day in Uganda when HE. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni assented to the Anti homosexuality law that is aimed at curbing all LGBTQ activities in the matooke republic. Museveni’s act left shameless homosexuals globally sneezing which even attracted the United States to cancel the visas of Rt […]

Africa Liberation Day: A Day To Celebrate The Sacrifices Of Our Forefathers

Africa Liberation Day: A Day To Celebrate The Sacrifices Of Our Forefathers

By PAP Admin African Liberation Day, also referred to as Africa Day is held yearly on May 25. It is a commemoration of African sovereignty and African identity African states established the Organisation of African Unity and sought cooperation and coexistence with neighbouring nations that had recently expelled their colonisers as well.  This day celebrated tomorrow Thursday […]

PAP Global Awards: Here Is A List Of Awardees Since 2016

PAP Global Awards: Here Is A List Of Awardees Since 2016

By PAP Admin The Pan-African Pyramid Global Awards were initiated in 2016 with the intention of recognizing and awarding Africans and non-Africans who have shown their concern and contributions geared towards raising the African flag regardless of where they are hence the name PAP Global Awards. And Here Is A List Of Those That Have […]

Pan-African Pyramid Appoints Kyambogo University’s Nkwanga Michael As Public Relations Officer

Pan-African Pyramid Appoints Kyambogo University’s Nkwanga Michael As Public Relations Officer

By PAP Admin The Founding Speaker and Chairman of The Pan African Pyramid (PAP), Andrew Irumba Katusabe Ateenyi has appointed former Kyambogo University’s guild presidential candidate, Michael  Nkwanga as the Acting Public Relations Officer of the Organization, effective 11th May 2023. Nkwanga a motivational speaker and staunch pan Africanist is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree […]

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