By PAP Admin
The Director of Engabu Za Tooro and UNESCO Expert On Culture, Steven Rwagweri speaking during Pan-African Pyramid(PAP) debates live at Fairway Hotel Kampala under the Topic: ”How Can Africa Use Its Diverse Cultures And Traditions As Tools For Social Economic Development” on 19 May 2023.
The Debate chaired by Speaker Andrew Irumba Katusabe also featured other panelists including Prof. George William Alenyo a human rights Lawyer in Uganda, and Kashaya James a researcher and HR consultant In Uganda among other Pan-Africanists.
Note: PAP Debates happen every Friday at Fairway Hotel Kampala from 5 pm-8 pm and a recorded version of the show is broadcast on NBS Television every Saturday from 4 pm-pm and repeats every Monday from 2 pm -3 pm.
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More About The Pan-African Pyramid
Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) is a non-governmental organization which was founded in 2015 with a vision to articulate concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awakening among the BLACK people throughout Africa and in the Diaspora and galvanize inventions and innovations of African people based on its principles as an intellectual, non-partisan discussion forum, built on the Pillars of PAN AFRICANISM, PATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM.
The pan-African pyramid is propagating a new Pan-Africanism concept. The new Pan-Africanism need
not be based on race, skin and colour, but IDIOLOGY and MOVEMENT. It advocates for the unification of
Africa by economic development and Trans-African trade, and not by political actors only, but by corporate business entities.
Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diaspora ethnic groups of African ancestry. At its core, Pan-Africanism is a belief that “African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny. The PAP Ideology/pre-occupation is to REVIVE intellectual discourse among youth with a bias on re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit.
The organization was founded in 2015 under the leadership of Chairman and speaker Irumba with its social impact and humanitarian programs including;
1. Organizing PAP debates every Friday
2. Pan African Pyramid Global Awards every August
3. Collecting and delivery of relief aid to refugees every December
4. Agriculture and livestock farming
5. Pan-African Marathon
6. Establishment of Pan African Pyramid School clubs and debates
7. Small Savings and Investments
8. Tree Planting and Natural Resource Maintenance (Environment Conservation),
As one of their key objectives, PAP has continued to provide support to fellow Africans especially refugees in camps. Previously they offered support to Nakivale Refugee settlement camps located in the Isingiro district where over 120000 refugees from over 10 nations received donations, which marked the end of 2019 and entry into 2020, thereby making five years of PAP’s successful existence.