The Pan-African Pyramid

One Struggle, Many Fronts

The Pan-African Pyramid

One Struggle, Many Fronts

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PAP Global Awards: Here Is A List Of Awardees Since 2016

PAP Global Awards: Here Is A List Of Awardees Since 2016

By PAP Admin

The Pan-African Pyramid Global Awards were initiated in 2016 with the intention of recognizing and awarding Africans and non-Africans who have shown their concern and contributions geared towards raising the African flag regardless of where they are hence the name PAP Global Awards.

And Here Is A List Of Those That Have Been Awarded By PAP In Previous Years.

Year Of AwardName Of Awardee CountryBrief ProfileAward
2016Hon. Alex RuhundaUgandaAlex Ruhunda is a Ugandan research consultant, community organizer, businessman and politician. He is the elected Member of Parliament for Fort Portal Municipality and a representative for NRM, the ruling political party in Uganda. Ruhunda is the founding chairperson of the Parliamentary Forum for Road Safety, the chairperson of the Rwenzori MPs Forum, the vice chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Trade, Tourism and Industry and also a member of the Budget Committee in the 10th Parliament of Uganda.Social and Dev’t Entrprenuer
2016 General Elly TumwiineUgandaGeneral Elly Tumwine, was a Ugandan military officer, professional artist, and educator. He was the former Security Minister in the Cabinet of Uganda, from March 2018 until 2021. He retired from active military service in July 2022. He served as commander of the National Resistance Army from 1984 to 1987.African Art Revolutionary
2016Mr Rwangyenzi StevenUgandaSteven Rwangyenzi, director of Ndere cultural centre, an African cultural hub that expands over 9 acres of well-maintained African flora and fauna. It is characterised by indigenous architecture giving a modern and fresh look.African Heritage And Cultural Entrepreneur
2016Prof, Kajabago Ka-RusokeUgandaKajabago Ka-Rusoke was a staunch Pan-Africanist and Senior presidential advisor to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Ideology and a senior lecturer at the National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi (NALI). Kajabago was an old-style Marxist-Leninist trained in the Soviet Union and Cuba who has regularly written about politics and governance.African Philosopher
2016 Ms, Evelyn BrightUgandaMs, Evelyn Bright is an African Young Social and Dev’t Entrepreneur.African Young Social and Dev’t Entrepreneur
2016 Muyunga Muwanga AmonUgandaMuyunga Muwanga Amon was an African sports inventor and the founder of Double Football International (DFI) president.African sports inventor
2017John Garang De Ma BiorSudanJohn Garang de Mabior was a Sudanese politician and revolutionary leader. From 1983 to 2005. He led the Sudan People’s Liberation Army after the Second Sudanese Civil War.Revolutionary Leader
2017Robert Ssentamu KyagulanyiUgandaRobert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, known by his stage name Bobi Wine, is a Ugandan politician, singer, and actor. He is a former Member of Parliament for Kyadondo County East constituency in Wakiso District, in Uganda’s Central Region. He also leads the National Unity Platform political party and was the first runners-up in the 2021 presidential elections.African Musical Activist
2017Grace AndruaSouth SudanGrace Andrua is an African Woman Activist and EntrepreneurAfrican Woman Activist and Entrepreneur
2017John Komuruyange Kalekezi (Uganda’s Former Inspector General of police Gen. Kale Kayihura’s Father)Uganda John Muhima Komuruyange Kalekezi or John Kale created one of the greatest impacts in bringing colonialism to its premature end in Uganda and within Africa.
John Kale, a Ugandan and African patriot died in a plane crash on August 17th 1960 in the then Soviet Union. He was based in Cairo at the time of his death where he was the foreign secretary of the Uganda National Congress (UNC) and permanent secretary of the Afro-Asian solidarity committee. Kale died as a true nationalist while on an Afro-Asian people’s solidarity Organization mission which was to ensure world justice and peace. He died at the young age of 30 but fortunately, his legacy lives on with his only son Gen.Kale Kayihura former Uganda’s Inspector General of Police, himself one of the gallant National Resistance Army liberators who restored the very ideals and principles that his father soo courageously struggled for.
African Revolutionary Life Time Achiever
2017Justice Patrick TabaroUgandaHonourable Justice Patrick  Tabaro is a retired Principal Judge and Chairperson of the Makerere University Staff Appeals  Tribunal. He is a Senior Advisor to the Board of the African Youth Caucus. Honourable Justice Patrick Tabaro specialises in arbitration and mediation.  He is widely published in academic and non-academic periodicals and chairs the University Council of Marcus Garvey Pan African University. He is the immediate former patron of Makerere Law Society (his Alma Mater) which honoured him with the Award Order of Merit.  He is also a decorated national hero having been bestowed the Nalubaale Medal by His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni for his contribution to the struggle against dictatorship in Uganda.Leader-Pan-African Renaissance
2017Fagil M. MandeUgandaFagil Musa Mande is a renowned educationist and performing artiste as well as an author of a number of published inspiring and self-help books including “Self Engineering”, and “Top Secrets of educating your child”African Veteran Educationist
2017Arinaitwe RugyendoUgandaArinaitwe Rugyendo is Managing Director & Co-Founder at e2 Young Engineers-Uganda. He has worked for over 18 years as a journalist and media entrepreneur in Uganda. He has consistently worked to spur young entrepreneurship, leadership and social transformation in the country for which he has won numerous awards. Rugyendo has set out on a  long journey to nurture Uganda’s next generation of scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators through the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) concepts among school-going children in Uganda.African Young Social and Dev’t Entrepreneur
2017 Dr Mugisha GeofrreyUgandaDr Mugisha Geofrrey is an African Anti-Aids Activist.African Anti-Aids Activist.
2018 Winnie MandelaSouth AfricaWinnie Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician, and the second wife of Nelson Mandela.Revolutionary leader of anti-apartheid
2018 His Excellence Major General Lekoa Solly Mollo (Rtd)South AfricaAmbassador of South Africa to Uganda from (2015 to date)Revolutionary leader and freedom fighter anti-apartheid
2018Uganda Wildlife AuthorityUgandaThe Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is a semi-autonomous Ugandan government agency that aims to conserve, manage and regulate Uganda’s wildlife. “UWA is mandated to ensure sustainable management of wildlife resources and supervise wildlife activities in Uganda, both within and outside the protected areas.African Heritage conservationist
2018 Ms Prossy Namwanje aKa Sure dealUgandaProssy Namwanje Maria is the proprietor of Sure Deal beauty products.African Women Entrepreneur
2018Dr Patience Bibohere RwamigisaUgandaUganda’s Ministry of Agriculture’s Dr Patience Bibohere Rwamigisa was among the new crop of determined Pan-Africanists that was recognized for his exemplary tremendous sacrifice due to his quest to revolutionize the Agricultural sector.
Dr Patience Bibohere Rwamigisa, left his job at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University where he was an adjunct lecturer of Biomedical Laboratory Technology for 10 yrs, from 1998-2008 and went back to school with a conviction that when he returns, he would significantly impact on the future of the Agricultural sector since Agriculture is the backbone of not only Uganda but Africa at large. In that way, he believed, he would have contributed significantly to the well-being of Africa.
African renaissance
2019 Former Libyan President Col. Muammar GaddafiLibyaCol. Muammar Gaddafi was a Libyan politician, revolutionary, and political theorist who ruled Libya from 1969 until his assassination in 2011.African Revolutionary Time Achieve
2019King Ndahura II Kashagama ImaraUgandaNdahura II Kashagama Imara is the king of Busongora Kingdom in Uganda and is committed to preserving the beautiful and ennobling ancient traditions of the Basongora, and to securing the integrity of the cultural institution, as well as securing the unity, community rights, and the social and economic growth of all the people in Busongora.
King Ndahura has committed significant time, resources and energy to community service, beginning with the promotion of community rights of the Basongora and other minorities in past years. Significantly, in 2012 he helped to lead the complicated and conflicted process to restore the ancient kingdom, which had been destroyed, dismembered, and annexed 100 years prior under colonial occupation by the Europeans. 
Leader- Pan-African Renaissance
2019Amirali Karmali (Mukwano)UgandaAmirali Karmali the founder of ‘Mukwano’ Group of companies was a great entrepreneur whose enterprises enabled Ugandans to improve their livelihoods through access to jobs as well as basic needs. Amirali Karmali a Ugandan of Indian origin started a business in agriculture before venturing into other investments that made Mukwano Group of Companies a success in the country and region. Karmali was among the few Ugandans of Indian origin who persisted and remained in the country when Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda, which enabled him to keep track of his business investments.African Revolutionary Life Time Achiever (Business Entrepreneur )
2019 Rapa Thomson RickyUgandaRapa Thomson Ricky is the Co-founder and Director of Uganda’s ride-hailing App SafebodaAfrican Young Social & Dev’t Entrepreneur
2019Christopher Columbus SembuyaUgandaChristopher Columbus Sembuya is a celebrated industrialist and co-owner of Sembule Group of Companies and its flagship factory, Sembule Steel Mills responsible for steering Uganda into an Industrious country for decades.African Social & Dev’t Entrepreneur.
2022Hon. Anita Annet AmongUgandaAnita Among is a lawyer, accountant, politician and current Speaker of the 11th Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. She also concurrently serves as the woman member of parliament for Bukedea District in Uganda.1st Africa’s youngest Female National Speaker
2022Late Sherali Bandali JafferUgandaSherali Bandali Jaffer, a Ugandan of Indian origin is considered the father of racial harmony in Uganda and was a member of the 1st post-Independence Parliament of Uganda representing Kampala West under the political party of the King of Buganda-Kabaka Yekka (KY). He was the founder of Fairway Hotel and was the first Ugandan to host the Holy Pope Paul IV at his home in Kampala.Life Time Achiever (Business Entrepreneur)
2022Hasmukh P DawdaUgandaHasmukh P Dawda is a distinguished regional businessman, entrepreneur, Industrialist and philanthropist in Uganda and Kenya. He is the proprietor of Britania Allied Industries (U) Ltd commonly as Splash and House of Manji (Kenya). Dawda, a Ugandan of Indian origin also played a key role in the NRA struggle that produced Yoweri Museveni as president of Uganda, as he used to clandestinely support the food chain supply in the bush free of charge. Dawda has helped hundreds of Ugandan and Kenyan less privileged youths realize their dreams by sponsoring their Education, job opportunities, career guidance and hands-on skills. Dawda also decided to build his home in Kenya’s biggest slam area, Kibera Slams in order to closely monitor and empower the less privileged with development skills and humanitarian works.African Revolutionary Life Time Achiever (Industrialist)

More About The Pan-African Pyramid

Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) is a non-governmental organization which was founded in 2015 with a vision to articulate concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awakening among the BLACK people throughout Africa and in the Diaspora and galvanize inventions and innovations of  African people based on its principles as an intellectual, non-partisan discussion forum, built on the Pillars of PAN AFRICANISMPATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM.

The pan-African pyramid is propagating a new Pan-Africanism concept. The new Pan-Africanism need
not be based on race, skin and colour, but IDIOLOGY and MOVEMENT. It advocates for the unification of
Africa by economic development and Trans-African trade, and not by political actors only, but by corporate business entities.

Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diaspora ethnic groups of African ancestry. At its core, Pan-Africanism is a belief that “African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny. The PAP Ideology/pre-occupation is to  REVIVE intellectual discourse among youth with a bias on re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit.

The organization was founded in 2015 under the leadership of Chairman and speaker Irumba with its social impact and humanitarian programs including;

1. Organizing PAP debates every Friday

2. Pan African Pyramid Global Awards every August

3. Collecting and delivery of relief aid to refugees every December

4. Agriculture and livestock farming

5. Pan-African Marathon

6. Establishment of Pan African Pyramid School clubs and debates

7. Small Savings and Investments

8. Tree Planting and Natural Resource Maintenance (Environment Conservation),

As one of their key objectives, PAP has continued to provide support to fellow Africans especially refugees in camps. Previously they offered support to Nakivale Refugee settlement camps located in the Isingiro district where over 120000 refugees from over 10 nations received donations, which marked the end of 2019 and entry into 2020, thereby making five years of PAP’s successful existence.


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