By PAP Admin
Kampala: It’s no longer a rumor, It’s now confirmed, that Ayo H. Kimathi a.k.a Irritated Genie, an American Black Nationalist, Anti-LGBTQ activist, Internationally acclaimed Pan-Africanist, Rights defender, author, writer, motivational speaker, International Spokesperson for Black Straight Pride Movement, and history lecturer will be at the Pan-African Pyramid this March,15, 2024, at Fairway Hotel, from 5-8p, and entrance is absolutely free.
In a private conversation with Pan-African Pyramid’s founding speaker and Chairman, Andrew Irumba Katusabe, Ayo confirmed with a video clip of his coming this March, and is looking forward to meet at the ‘battle field’. “What’s up Kampala! You know it, it’s your brother Ayo Kimathi from the Black Straight Movement, and I’m gona be your guest speaker at the Pan-Africa Pyramid…….Let’s meet at the battle field….” says Ayo in his clip he sent last night to the Speaker’s office.
But Who Is Ayo Kimathi (The Irritated Genie of Soufees)?

Born and raised in Washington, D.C. on December 2, 1973, and seeing how the blacks were being segregated at different levels within the communities, Ayo Kimathi got irritated, developed a thick skin around him and became interested in Black history and racial politics in order to defend the black community, hence his title, “Irritated Genie of Soufeese.” Ayo is the International spokesperson of the Black Straight Movement based in Washington DC, formed to fight and defend the Rights of the Black people in America and globally.
The controversial Black Rights Advocate, Ayo Kimathis’s website at one time endorsed the killing of Whites and “Black traitors”. Infact, at one point it released an “enemies list” which included Rev. Al Sharpton, Lil Wayne, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Barack Obama.
In 1995, Kimathi took a job as a Small Business Specialist for the Department of the US Navy army. He worked there until 2003 when he quit to write the book, ‘War on the Horizon–Black Resistance to the white-sex Assault’ which he self-published in 2005. In 2009, after 6 years doing lectures and acting as a part-time real estate agent, Kimathi returned to the U.S. Government Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the capacity of assisting small businesses in winning contracts. He was eventually fired in December 2013 for his lecture work done under the pseudonym “Irritated Genie of Soufeese.” The ‘Irritated Genie’ is the title of a book authored by Jacob Carruthers and it refers to the spirit of the Black people who fought in the Haitian Revolution. ‘Soufeese’ is a take-off of the Southeast region of Washington, D.C., where Kimathi grew up from. To put it more blatantly, Ayo was fired from the US Government job for defending the Rights of the Black community and his adamant stance against homosexuality.
Nevertheless, in 2015, Kimathi was elected International Spokesperson of the then newly created movement called the Straight Black Pride Movement (SBPM). In the same year, he was officially banned from the country of Bermuda for a “Effeminization of the Black Male” lecture he did, stating among other things that; “Black men should only date and marry Black women.” During the same lecture in Bermuda, Ayo submitted to the full house audience, without any iota of fear or favor, that homosexuality originated from White Europeans along with other forms of “sexual deviance” including child molestation, bestiality and rape!
Based on his adamant stance against homosexuality, interracial dating and marriages, and adamancy to retract the statements when asked to, because he believed he was right, the Human Rights Commission for Bermuda submitted a report to the Home Affairs Minister, and the Hon.Michael Fahy, banned Ayo Kimathi from Bermuda for at least five years in 2015. In 2023, Kamathi self-published a book entitled ‘Jews are the Problem’.
Ladies and gentlemen, in our Pan-African sphere of influence, Ayo Kimathi a.k.a the irritated Genie is also known as the “gangster of knowledge”…. Welcome to Uganda, the gangster of knowledge…